Vitalik Buterin Supporting Proof of Humanity

2 min readJul 30, 2021


Vitalik Buterin at the ETH CC [4] in Paris, 2021

“The vision for Ehereum and for a lot of the crypto space even beyond Ethereum has always been going beyond finance. It has always been about taking these ideas of decentralization, trust minimization, experimenting with implementing and using many different kinds of mechanisms to areas that go just beyond finance.”

This is how Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum, started his speech at the ETH Community Conference 4, that took place in paris this July.

Watch the video from the conference HERE!

Vitalik’s profile on Proof of Humanity.

Besides nominating Proof of Humanity multiple times for its sybil attack proof registry of the identity of humans of the blockchain, Buterin has supported the Proof of Humanity project by registering himself as a human being.

View his profile on Proof of Humanity HERE.

The Proof of Humanity community is very excited for this recognition, that will hopefully give more traction to the project.

A huge thank you to Agus for providing the content for this article. 😎

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