Technical Product Manager.

2 min readMay 19, 2021



  • Be a current member of the Proof of Humanity community.
  • Have a good understanding of Proof of Humanity and UBI.
  • Be fluent in English. Spanish is a plus.
  • Have experience as a project manager or product manager.
  • Have at least 1 year of experience using Solidity and JavaScript.


The monthly payment is 0.25 ETH and 1041.66 USD in $UBI.
Once hired, both the ETH and UBI will start dripping every hour directly to the PoH profile until the working agreement expires.

Officially hiring this position will be available only after the PoH DAO members hire the UBI Rebel Alliance strategy. Otherwise, the bounty will be canceled or facilitated to the team hired.


  1. Co-create the product roadmap along with the product team.
  2. Perform technical market research and communicate it to the product team.
  3. Assess risks and remove technical roadblocks.
  4. Coordinate the technical side of building the products.

Working agreement

This job position bounty is a full-time position for a year of contract. This bounty goes through a round of interviews to select the best applicant. A set of tasks will be given to measure the performance and commitment of the applicants.
Schedule an interview here:

This bounty follows the Recruitment Procedures of the PoH DAO:

Once a worker proposal is accepted, it’s paid monthly for all its duration. In case of under-performance, or budget restriction, the bounty owner can terminate contracts with a 2-week notice.
Workers can stop working within the same notice period but it is advised that they inform the bounty owner ahead of time and work to find a suitable replacement.
The bounty owner doesn’t monitor worker time, it only cares about productivity and assumes that an equivalent full-time is made of 226 days of work (365 days per year — 2*52 for weekends — 35 for holidays).

Bounty Owner:

Humberto Besso Oberto H.

Origin of funds:

We aim to have the support of the members of PoH for paying this position through the salary assigned to the PM as explained here.




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