Posta — the Social Media Platform for Humans
Have you ever stopped to think about all the information that you scroll through Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and other social media platforms? Have you ever tried to quantify the amount of content you are exposed to every day? What is the purpose of the posts you read? What is the purpose of the comments you post? If you were to ask yourself about the relevance of the comments you see under people’s posts on social media, what relevance score would you give them?
Posta, the social media platform for humans, created by Juanu, member of the UBI Alliance, has the aim to give a remedy to the current behaviours on traditional social media platforms.
So, let’s see what are the properties of Posta! (☝️Disclaimer: all the information reported in this article are sourced from this Twitter thread posted by the creator of Posta, Juanu.)
- Because of the inherent properties of the Ethereum blockchain, Posta is censorship free. 🤲
- Everytime you write a new post on Posta, an NFT is minted for that single post. This represents a good incentive to create quality content, as well as evidence for authorship. ✍️
- Publishing a single post might get expensive because of gas fees, but its cost helps on building up quality content, and not just low qualiry posting. 🔝
- Liking a post is done by sending $UBI to the author. Half of the $UBI are burned to help the project. 1% goes to the contract for treasury, and the rest of the $UBI goes to the author of the post. HERE you can check the first 50 $UBI burned using the Posta Support feature. 🔥
- For now, only MetaMask wallet is allowed, but other will be implemented on upcoming versions. 🦊
- Also, the UI is pretty buggy, but interaction is possible. Will also be working on improving those, but since its an open source project, all help will be appreciated!
If you are an UI masterand you would like to help the Posta project, reach out to:
If you would like to report any bug or suggest features, you can do so in the Posta repository.
A huge thank you to Juanu for creating Posta, and a huge thank you to Agus for providing the content for this article. 😎